Fat Burning Kickboxing Workout For Dummies 2006 英文正式版(減肥運動教學軟體)(DVD版)
Ranked #1 as the Best Calorie Blasting DVD for 2006 by FITNESS
Magazine! This un-intimidating DVD explains basic kickboxing
techniques in easy-to-understand language. Not only can you tone
and reshape your entire body by using this DVD, but you may even
change your mind about exercise! Fat-Burning Kickboxing for Dummies
is a dynamic, energizing, and fun way to blast off extra body fat
and tone up your trouble spots.
張蕙蘭瑜珈 Yoga For Relaxation 國語發音 精選影片教學版(DVD版)
氣功輕鬆學 基礎篇 平心靜氣 Discovering Chi Energy Exercises For The Beginner 2006/08/31 國語/英語發音 繁體中文語言字幕版(舞蹈與表演完整版)(DVD9版)
風靡日本的超紅減肥瘦身操 Core Rhythms 第一篇 FULL WORKOUT 英語發音 DVD版(適用任何家用DVD播放機)
Golf Tracker For Excel v1.3b 英文正式版(為ms excel定制的軟體)
風靡日本的超紅減肥瘦身操 Core Rhythms 第二篇 QUICK WORKOUT 英語發音 DVD版(適用任何家用DVD播放機)
身心靈之進階瑜珈 Ali Macgraw:yoga For The Mind And Body 英語發音 繁/英/韓/西/印文字幕版(影片教學版)(DVD版)
Handicap Manager For Excel v4.2 英文正式版(用於高爾夫運動的統計及維護軟體)