SafeLog CAA JAA v4.63 英文正式版(美國聯邦航空局(FAA)的飛行員的飛行日誌記錄工具軟體)
SafeLog 是一款特殊的工具,是美國聯邦航空局(FAA)的飛行員的飛行日誌記錄工具。
Your pilot logbook is a key legal and career
document. Don't be grounded if it gets lost or
destroyed. Safelog not only helps protect you
against disaster, but also gives you numerous
powerful analysis, reporting, and summary
tools. We work hard to give Safelog the right
combination of power and ease-of-use - perhaps
this is why Safelog is now used by tens of
thousands of pilots worldwide (including those
at over 100 airlines). Additionally, we're
proud of the reputation we have for listening
to use requests and continuously working to
upgrade the software. We listen to you.
Don't take our word for it, though. You can
download Safelog today, free, and try it for
yourself. Safelog is available for MS-Windows
systems and also features PDA (Widows Mobile
and PalmOS) companion software so you can log
using your handheld while on the road.
SafeLog FAA v4.63 英文正式版(美國聯邦航空局(FAA)的飛行員的飛行日誌記錄工具軟體)